One God One Lord by Larry Hurtado is an absolute classic. In this third edition for the Cornerstones series Larry provides a 53 page epilogue on how the field has changed since the second edition. Larry refers to the third edition on his blog and expresses a hope 'that the new Epilogue will continue to make it useful to readers, perhaps especially students seeking to gear up in the topic.' This is certainly a hope that we share!
Larry Hurtado's One God, One Lord has been described as 'one of the most important and provocative Christologies of all time' (Alan F. Segal). The book has taken its place among works on Jesus as one consistently cited, consistently read, and consistently examined in scholarly discourse.
Hurtado examines the early cultic devotion to Jesus through a range of Jewish sources. Hurtado outlines an early 'high' Christological theology, showing how the Christ of faith emerges from monotheistic Judaism. The book has already found a home on the shelves of many in its two previous editions. In this new Cornerstones edition Hurtado provides a substantial epilogue of some twenty-thousand words, which brings this ground-breaking work to the fore once more, in a format accessible to scholars and students alike.
“Since its initial publication in 1988, this book has become somewhat of a classic for anyone interested in Christian origins. Now supplemented by a timely interaction with conversation partners from the last two decades, Hurtado's readable, clear, and carefully formulated arguments regarding the rise of devotion to Jesus will continue to steer discussion of New Testament Christology during the coming years. A must read!” – Loren Stuckenbruck, LMU, Germany