Today's publication day, and here at T&T Clark we are excited. With a fantastic array of books across both lists, there's almost too much choice!
On the Theology list we have:
The Crisis of Confidence in the Catholic Church by Raymond G. Helmick, S.J.
‘Pope Francis is calling for a church that is honest about its failings, faithful to the liberating vision of Vatican II and filled with hope in the promise of the Spirit. The pope could find no more eloquent and insightful champion than Fr. Raymond Helmick. This remarkable book offers a wise balance between discerning church critique and practical proposals for a more healthy church. Helmick brings tremendous erudition and pastoral sensitivity to his analysis of the Catholic church's post-conciliar "crisis of confidence." Although unflinching in his critique, Helmick sustains the voice of someone who loves the church too much to give up on it. And neither should we.’
- Richard R. Gaillardetz, Boston College, USA
The Son of God Beyond the Flesh by Andrew M. McGinnis
‘Rooted in the sources, McGinnis manages to give us a fresh look at the extra-calvinisticum by making it less Calvinistic and more relevant. So we find here a learned and yet clear historical overview of a fascinating topic in the history of Christian theology. A highly welcome book.’
- Herman Selderhuis, Theologische Universiteit Apeldoorn, Netherlands
And on the Biblical Studies list we have:
Harnessing Chaos by James G. Crossley
James Crossley investigates how the effect of the social upheavals of the 1960s and the economic shift from post-war Keynesian dominance to post-1970s neoliberal dominance brought about certain emphases and nuances in how the Bible is popularly understood, particularly in relation to dominant political ideas. This book reveals the decline of politically radical biblical interpretation in parliamentary politics and the victory of (a modified form of) Margaret Thatcher’s re-reading of the liberal Bible tradition, following the normalisation of (a modified form of) Thatcherism more generally.The result is a reflection on why politicians in English politics bother using the Bible at all.
Reception History, Tradition and Biblical Interpretation by Robert Evans
The nature and the practice of Wirkungsgeschichte and reception history are matters of debate and disagreement in contemporary Biblical Studies. Robert Evans addresses three crucial issues in the discussion: the relationship between reception history and historical-critical exegesis; the form of reception history itself, with a focus on the issue of which acts of reception are selected and valorized; and the role of tradition, pre-judgements and theology in relation to reception history.
'I Lifted My Eyes and Saw': Reading Dream and Vision Reports in the Hebrew Bible by Elizabeth R. Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer
This volume addresses the function and impact of vision and dream accounts in the Hebrew Bible. The contributors explore the exegetical, rhetorical, and structural aspects of the vision and dream accounts in the Hebrew Bible, focusing on prophetic vision reports.
Resisting Empire by Jason A. Whitlark
This book offers a fresh reading about the purpose for which Hebrews was written. Whitlark argues that Hebrews engages both the negative pressures (persecution) and positive attractions (honor/prosperity) of its audience’s Roman imperial context.
Bowing Before Christ - Nodding to the State?: Reading Paul Politically with Oliver O'Donovan and John Howard Yoder by Dorothea H. Bertschmann
Does the apostle Paul sponsor political conservatism? A growing number of scholars dispute this perception, arguing that Paul's political imagery and in particular the confession that "Jesus Christ is Lord" directly challenge the proud Roman emperor.This book critically engages these proposals, seeking to point out with greater precision the function of political imagery within the Pauline narrative. Dorothea H. Bertschmann starts by conversing with the works of John Howard Yoder and Oliver O'Donovan, two modern political ethicists and theologians.
All of these books can be bought from the T&T Clark/Bloomsbury site here.