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« Review - 'Christian Ethics: A Guide for the Perplexed' by Victor Lee Austin | Main | Reviews for recent NT titles in CBQ. »

September 26, 2013


Andy Goodliff

Some recommendations for 'milestones' series:

1. Face to Face by Frances Young
2. A Brief Theology of Revelation by Colin Gunton
3. Sanctify Them in the Truth by Stanley Hauerwas
4. Ascension and Ecclesia by Douglas Farrow
5. Persons in Communion by Alan Torrance
6. The Actuality of Atonement by Colin Gunton
7. The Trinitarian Faith by T F Torrance
8. Text, Church and World by Francis Watson
9. Theological Issues in the Letters of Paul by J. L. Martyn

Garrick Allen

Richard Bauckham, Climax of Prophecy.
Still hugely influential in Revelation studies.

Dave Lincicum

A few titles to throw out:

1. Martin Hengel, Studies in Christology
2. The rev. Schürer
3. F. Watson, Paul and the Hermeneutics of Faith
4. J. Webster, Word & Church; Confessing God
5. E. Jüngel, God's Being is in Becoming
6. F. Schleiermacher, The Christian Faith
7. J. Barclay, Jews in the Mediterranean Diaspora
8. C. Tuckett, Q and the History of Earliest Christianity

As for series names, milestones isn't at all bad, but a few other possibilities - some better than others: a) turning points; b) landmarks; c) archetypes; d) contemporary classics; e) catalysts

Christopher Zeichman

*John Kloppenborg, Excavating Q
*Richard Horsley, Archaeology, History and Society in Galilee
*Justin J. Meggitt, Paul, Poverty and Survival

*And, of course, Schurer et al, History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ.


Re: the title of the series- I might suggest 'Landmarks'. or perhaps even 'on the shoulders of giants' (though that's probably too long). as to volumes- all of bultmann's works.

Ben Myers

* Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics
* Schleiermacher, The Christian Faith


Faith in the Public Sphere - Rowan Williams

John Walker

Richard Bauckham's, Gospels for All Christians.
Christopher Tuckett's, Q and the History of Early Christianity.
Messianism among Jews and Christians by William Horbury.
And of course, Martin Hengel's, The Four Gospels and the One Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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