We are delighted to announce the following titles from our backlist are now newly available in paperback, as part of our print on demand programme.
Rashi - Linguist despite Himself, by Jonathan Kearney
The commentary on the Torah of the eleventh-century French rabbi, Solomon Yishaqi of Troyes (better known as Rashi), is one of the major texts of mediaeval Judaism. This book presents a close reading of Rashi’s commentary on the book of Deuteronomy.
Breaking Boundaries:
Female Biblical Interpreters Who Challenged the Status Quo, edited by Nancy
Calvert-Koyzis and Heather Weir
The essays in this volume address female interpreters of the Bible such as Eudocia and Anna Jameson, whose publications have been largely ignored in the fields of the history of biblical interpretation and reception history. Through their publications these women used their interpretive and theological skills to break the boundaries that previous interpretations of the Bible and their societies imposed upon them.
Abuse, Power and Fearful Obedience: Reconsidering 1 Peter's Commands to Wives by Jennifer G. Bird
Jennifer Bird examines the subjectivity of wives in 1 Peter with particular reference to the Haustafel (household code) section of the letter, engaging feminist critical questions, postcolonial theory, and materialist theory in her analysis.
Judah Between East
and West,
edited by Lester L. Grabbe and Oded Lipschits
This is a collection of essays examining the period of transition between Persian and Greek rule of Judah, ca. 400-200 BCE. Subjects covered include the archaeology of Maresha/Marisa, Jewish identity, Hellenization/Hellenism, Ptolemaic administration in Judah, biblical and Jewish literature of the early Greek period, the size and status of Jerusalem, the Samaritans in the transition period, and Greek foundations in Palestine.
This volume looks at the imprint and influence that the writings of the Apostle Paul had in the second century, examining the Pauline corpus in conjunction with key second century figures and texts such as Ignatius, Polycarp, and the Epistle of Diognetus . It investigates the impact of Paul's legacy and examines how this legacy shaped the Christianity that emerged in the second century as represented by the Apostolic Fathers, the early Christian Apologists, and among Gnostic and Judeo Christian groups.
The Messiah, His
Brothers, and the Nations: Matthew 1.1-17 by Jason B. Hood
Why does Matthew append ‘and his brothers' to Judah and Jechoniah (1:2, 11)? Secondly, why does Matthew include the following four annotations: ‘and Zerah by Tamar', ‘by Rahab', ‘by Ruth', and ‘by the [wife] of Uriah' (1:3-6)? Jason B. Hood uses a composition critical approach in which he examines biblical genealogies and ‘summaries of Israel's story' in order to shed light on these features of Matthew's gospel.
Visions and
Eschatology: A Socio-Historical Analysis of Zechariah 1-6 by Antonios
Antonios Finitsis provides a distinctive analysis of the social worldview and message of Zechariah.
Paul and the
Gospels: Christologies, Conflicts and Convergences, edited by Michael
F. Bird and Joel Willitts
This volume attempts to situate the Apostle Paul, the Pauline writings, and the earliest Christian Gospels together in the context of early Christianity. It addresses the issue of how the Christianity depicted in and represented by the individual Gospels relates to the vision of Christianity represented by Paul and the Pauline writings.
Letters of the
Divine Word: The Perfections of God in Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics by Robert B. Price
articulate, a model of expositional clarity and care, this fine essay
sets before us Barth's doctrine of the divine perfections in all its
complexity, resonance, and power.’
Donald Wood, University of Aberdeen, UK.
The God of Covenant
and Creation: Scientific Naturalism and its Challenge to the Christian Faith by Larry S. Chapp
‘Chapp restores theology to its proper cosmological scope. Not only does ‘creation' become intellectually compelling in Chapp's deft hands, it elicits wonder and praise for its Creator and restores what is human in us. This is a hopeful development indeed and a sign of an indispensable book.' - Michael Hanby, John Paul II Institute, USA
Can you think of any T&T Clark backlist titles that you would like revived? Suggestions are most welcome!
I would love to be able get the book "An Old Hebrew Text of St.Matthew's Gospel by Hugh J. Schonfield" . It seems it was last printed in the early 1900s. Is it possible to get a copy from you or do you know of another source.
Posted by: Brad Snyder | May 07, 2013 at 05:28 PM
Hi Brad,
I'm afraid we don't have any copies here and I can't seem to find anywhere else selling it, but you can view a scanned version here: http://www.torahresource.com/Dutillet.html
Posted by: Caitlin Flynn | May 08, 2013 at 12:09 PM