Good news on the Church Dogmatics front! All thirty volumes of the new Study Edition are now avialable individually. Each volume now carries an index of Scripture References, Names and Subjects, newly created for this edition.You can find the individual volumes here.
If you have bought the 31 vol set, you will get free access to the pdf versions of the individual indexes, which will upload shortly on our Church Dogmatics resources website. To get you password please register here or send back the card which was inserted in your 31 vol set.
The Doctrine of the Word of GodVol 1§1-7 The Word of God as the Criterion of Dogmatics
Vol 2§8-12 The Revelation of God: The Triune God
Vol 3 §13-15 The Revelation of God: The Incarnation of the Word
Vol 4 §16-18 The Revelation of God: The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Vol 5§ 19-21 Holy Scripture
Vol 6 §22-24 The Proclamation of the Church
The Doctrine of God
Vol 7 §25-27 The Knowledge of God
Vol 8 §28-30 The Reality of God I
Vol 9 §31 The Reality of God II
Vol 10 §32-33 The Election of God I
Vol 11 §34-35 The Election of God II
Vol 12 §36-39 The Command of God
The Doctrine of Creation
Vol 13 §40-42 The Work of Creation
Vol 14 §43-44 The Creature I
Vol 15 §45-46 The Creature II
Vol 16 §47 The Creature III
Vol 17 §48-49 The Creator and His Creature I
Vol 18 §50-51 The Creator and His Creature II
Vol 19 §52-54 The Command of God the Creator I
Vol 20 §55-56 The Command of God the Creator II
The Doctrine of Reconciliation
Vol 21 §57-59 The Subject-Matter and Problems of the Doctrine of Reconciliation. Jesus Christ, the Lord as Servant I
Vol 22 §60 Jesus Christ, the Lord as Servant II
Vol 23 §61-63 Jesus Christ, the Lord as Servant III
Vol 24 §64 Jesus Christ, the Servant as Lord I
Vol 25 §65-66 Jesus Christ, the Servant as Lord II
Vol 26 §67-68 Jesus Christ, the Servant as Lord III
Vol 27 §69 Jesus Christ, the True Witness I
Vol 28 §70-71 Jesus Christ, the True Witness II
Vol 29 §72-73 Jesus Christ, the True Witness III
Vol 30 The Christian Life (Fragment), The Doctrine of Baptism
The new, combined General Index (vol. 31) is in preparation for fall 2010.