The Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) kindly hosted a launch for a recent book in our LNTS series 'The Social Significance of Reconciliation in Paul's Theology: Narrative Readings in Romans' by Corneliu Constantineanu.
Corneliu gave a lecture on the subject of the book, and then discussed it with Professor Haddon Willmer and Wonsuk Ma.
Corneliu views Paul's concept of reconciliation as complex and dynamic, arguing through close analysis of Romans 5-8 and 9-12, that there is a real social dimension to Paul's writing on reconcilation rather than it simply being a pronouncement of God's reconciling the world. Corneliu considers the impact of this reading of Romans upon issues of community formation, and the shaping of identity both at the time of Paul and in a modern environment.
I enjoyed visiting OCMS - having lived in Oxford for four years and always wondered what was inside the converted church on Woodstock Road. It's a very interesting conversion, which leaves the main church features still in tact, including the sanctuary. It makes for a dramatic, and striking environment.