As a treat for the start of May, which fast approaches, I'm posting a widget to a wonderful new commentary on the book of Job which we have just published.
The commentary looks at the pyschological aspects of Job, but it also looks strongly at the rabbinic sources and works surrounding the text and this is what makes it unique. The book is by Jeffrey Boss (as a piece of trivia, Jeffrey's daughter is Sarah Jane Boss, editor of 'Mary: The Complete Resource' which is published by us in the UK and Europe, and by OUP NY in North America. You should all buy a copy of Sarah's book for a friend during the Marian month of May). Jeffrey has for many years been working on and refining his work on Job, whilst also working as a medical practitioner. His work represents a very new and refreshing approach to Job, with which I think all studying Job must engage. However, far be it from me - a mere publisher - to advise you on this point. Far better to have John Barton's word on it:
‘Jeffrey Boss’s work on Job shows how fruitful rabbinic sources can be when applied in a close reading of a biblical book. His work is scholarly and very learned, and advances a distinctive position that needs to be taken account of by all readers of Job. A new and distinctive voice in biblical studies.’
John Barton, FBA, Oriel & Laing Professor of the Interpretation of Holy Scripture, University of Oxford
Read more about the book, and another wonderful endorsement from Katharine Dell on our website and do pass on the information to anyone you know who might be interested.