Princeton Theological Seminary and the Center for Barth Studies have published an online review of Matt Jensons book The Gravity of Sin.
"G. K. Chesterton in his Orthodoxy said that the truly remarkable thing about Christianity is not that it predicted the obvious things about humanity but that it instead foresaw the obscure and difficult ones. It is the same with Jenson’s account here. By resuscitating and expanding homo incurvatus in se as a metaphor for sinfulness, Jenson points to something unexpected but true about us and about the world: we need to hear more about sin. In The Gravity of Sin, Jenson proves himself an able guide to this rediscovery of ourselves."
We'll keep the reviews coming if you keep the books coming. ;-)
- Travis M.
Posted by: WTM | August 06, 2008 at 06:04 PM