John Zizioulas' new book Communion and Otherness has been out for a while - in fact we have been reprinting it twice and it was our best selling title at the AAR not only in 2006, but in 2007 too for the second time around! Now the Heythrop Journal has published a review by Liviu Barbu:
"Zizioulas wrestles with existential questions and provides us with ontological answers. He presents us with a set of contrasting concepts: ontology-epistemology, person-essence, love-knowledge, heart-mind. The last pages of the book reveal how the Trinitarian theology of love and personhood has been expressed in the ascetic spirituality of the Christian East. He identifies the human heart, rather than the mind, as the centre of human existence. Rehearsing the case argued throughout the book, Zizioulas views love as superior to knowledge, and accords pre-eminence to ontology over epistemology.
This is a book long awaited - and I believe rightly so - from a theologian who some consider to be a contemporary Church Father."